This is my 12 days of Christmas Diary and my bird feeding diary combined.

23rd December 2015
Family Party - It was very nice to see my family and friends all together at my Christmas Party. There were snacks and drinks and lots of laughing. We have a lucky dip Santa that we filled up with presents for everyone as they left. It belonged to my nan and granddad who put it out every Christmas. The family were excited to see Santa being used again as it bought back lots of memories for them.
Made my bird feeders for Children's University and put it out in the garden - This evening I saw a robin and 1 blue tit feeding.
Weather - Rainy but warm
Christmas Eve
We wrapped all the presents up and sat as a family watch Christmas films.
Outside the house we have flowers, which is unusual as they don't usually blossom in winter as it is normally cold.
This morning I saw a blue tit feeding and in the evening 3 blue tits
Weather - Rainy but warm
Christmas Day
I got up very early and woke everyone up. We opened all our presents and had a lovely breakfast together. Later we went to my brother's house for Christmas lunch and I got the bike that I wanted which I was really excited about. In the evening we went to my brother's fiancés parents house. There were lots of people there and we all enjoyed playing family games and chatting. My favourite game is the raffle game. It was really funny as there was one blue present that everyone kept stealing off each other (it is part of the game) and at the end we opened it and it was just a Star Wars cupcake mix, so it was very funny. Just before we left we did some Karoakee and sang some of my favourite songs.
This morning I saw a robin and a black bird.
Weather - Rainy but warm
Boxing day
We were all tired today as we stayed up very late. We had to cook food for our guests coming round. We all opened our presents together and played board games and cards games and they bought some of their own games.
This evening I saw blue tits and 2 pigeons
Weather - Raining heavily all day
27th December 2015
Today we watched tv most of the day and watched all the Christmas specials.
This evening I saw pigeons and blackbirds in the garden
Weather - Rainy but warm
28th December 2015
Today we went to Airhop a trampolining park which was bought for me, Liam and Jo to do. We all had fun jumping up and down and I was surprised that Liam could do somersaults. Mum and dad got some very good photos of us all. After Airhop we went to Frankie and Benny's for a family lunch as we were all so hungry.
This evening I saw 3 blue tits near the feeders
Weather - Rainy but warm
29th December 2015
Today we went to Anisa's house to meet up with a group of friends. We have known each other since we were babies. We did a secret Santa and I got a £10 Primark voucher which I might spend tomorrow. We had a nice buffet lunch and desert .. Thank you parents for all the lovely cooking.
I didn't see any birds today, but I was out most of the day.
Weather - Rainy but warm
30th December 2015
Today we went out shopping from 11 o'clock until 1 o'clock. We were staying in Croydon because we were going to the cinema in the clock tower to see the suffragettes . Before we went to the cinema we went for lunch in a Weatherspoons . As we sat down we remembered that my brother was in Croydon so we invited him to come. The film was amazing and it was my first 12a film.
I didn't see any birds today, but I was out most of the day.
Weather - Rainy and a little cooler
31st December 2015
Today we played board games during the day and then we went to a friends new years party. It was really fun everyone got up and danced eventually and sang along to the songs.When it became midnight they switched the telly on and we watched the fireworks on the River Thames.We were sitting by the window and we saw some fantastic fireworks they were right on the field in front of us we had a brilliant time.
I saw 2 blue tits today
Weather - dry most of the day with showers. Very cold at midnight
1st January 2016
Today we are extremely tired so it is just a lazy day at home.
I saw 1 blue tit today
Weather - dry most of the day with showers. Feeling colder at night and started raining in the evening.
2nd January 2016
Today we went to my aunties house for dinner. We had cooked us 3 different curries and lots of Indian food which was lovely. We had a really relaxing day.
I saw loads of blue tits and sparrows today on my aunties bird feeders.. She gets lots of birds in her garden.
Weather - raining again.
3rd January 2016
Today we had a quiet day at home because we have been doing a lot.
I saw 3 blue tits today
Weather - raining again.
4th January 2016
Today we went to Dennis Sever's House. It was really unusual as it was very dark. It didn't have any electricity. It is a museum in a house, so the house looks like Victorian times. We also went for a look at the market.
I saw 2 blue tits todayWeather - raining again.
News event -
The news says "Major Tim Peake was the first official Astronaut in space as his mission was publicly funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), and the first to visit the International Space Station. "
This story was all over the news just before Christmas and most people watched the news to watch him blast off into space. Space stories are always exciting. The thing I found most interesting was when Tim called down from space to Earth to try to talk to his mum on the phone and this happened. He dialled the number and a lady picked up the phone and Tim said "Is this planet Earth?" The lady didn't know what to say and she didn't answer as she didn't know who she was talking to. Later on that evening the lady turned on the news and realised that it was Major Tim Peake that had talked to her by accident as he had called the wrong number.
But he is not the first person from Britain in space! My mum told me about Helen Sharman from 1991.
Wikipedia says "Helen Sharman first British woman in space in 1991! She left earth on a privately funded mission. She blasted into orbit aboard the Soviet Soyuz TM-12 space capsule on a mission to the Russian Mir space station - one of the team on the privately-funded Project Juno expedition. "
It seems that people don't remember that a woman from Britain went up in space first but Tim Peake gets lots of attention on the news. She was the first British person in Space. What do you think about that?
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