Sunday, 14 February 2016

Wetlands Centre - London

The Wetlands Centre is a great place to go to if you want to see birds. This was the first time that I visited in winter. They provide lots of activities such as crafts, otter feeds and family trails that you can download before your visit.  In the photos you can see that I am jumping in a puddle. This is because they had an annual puddle jumping competition. It was great fun, but you do need wellies and waterproofs.


Sunday, 7 February 2016

Max Force Trampolining - National Development Plan Level 4 competition

I have been doing trampolining for a long time and it is great fun and keeps you fit. I started off doing only 30 minutes a week and now train for 6 hours a week. 

I have been lucky enough to go from beginners to intermediate level and wish to move up to elite when I am older. My club has only just joined Children's University so I am now excited to be able to add more hours to my passport for the activity I love best.

I recently got a gold medal in the South East area, Kent, Sussex and Surrey, for my age group. I am just about to compete to see if I can get a place in the South East area team.

This is one of the routines I am doing.